A new documentary explores where our gold comes from and what we can do to support responsible sourcing from artisanal...
Artisanal mining is an important source of income and employment, particularly for poor, rural populations. According to the World Bank,...
In September, IMPACT brought together over 100 stakeholders for a one-day conference to discuss natural resources in areas where security...
Meet two women artisanal gold miners who will share their experience and how they are changing the narrative on Congo...
IMPACT is pleased to present our newly released 2017 Annual Report, Pushing Boundaries! In 2017, we challenged ourselves and others...
Women at an artisanal mine site in Rwanda are being welcomed to work in its semi-industrial area, as the mine’s...
Women from five communities and six mine sites in Democratic Republic of Congo came together this past week to establish...
By Victoria Reichel Since its launch in 2017 in northeastern Democratic Republic of Congo, 50 Village Saving and Loans Associations...
Kyomuhendo Kereni bends over to move rocks from the dark brown sand into the basin. As a 60 year old...
We are thrilled to introduce Transformation: 2018-2023, our first Strategic Plan as IMPACT. Last year in 2017, after 30 years...
Meet Josephine Kibondo and Moza Zawadi, two women artisanal gold miners in Democratic Republic of Congo’s Ituri Province. They share...
IMPACT is pleased to present our newly released 2016 Annual Report! 2016 marked a pivotal turning point for Partnership Africa...