IMPACT is pleased to present our newly released 2019 Annual Report, Strengthening Resilience. In 2019, we were forced to be...
Is it possible to advance gender equality, development, and peace while supporting communities to protect the environment? We don’t just...
IMPACT is joining more than 20 civil society groups, companies, and small-scale mining organizations in signing a call to action...
Epidemics, Conflict, and Gold: What We Can Learn From DRC’s Ebola Outbreak As We Respond to COVID-19
By Kady Seguin, IMPACT’s Policy and Research Director, and Alan Martin, Sechaba Consulting The COVID-19 pandemic is spotlighting the vulnerability...
As COVID-19 sweeps the globe, affecting the health and lives of millions, the pandemic is wreaking further economic havoc on...
By Alan Martin, Sechaba Consulting and Joanne Lebert, IMPACT's Executive Director As COVID-19 sweeps the globe, risking the health and...
At IMPACT, we aim to transform systems for lasting change, especially for the world’s most vulnerable. However, the last few...
IMPACT is pleased to present our newly released 2018 Annual Report, Empowering Peacebuilders! In 2018, we strengthened our commitment to...
A group of 27 civil society groups have written an open letter to the Responsible Jewellery Council highlighting concerns with...
A new documentary explores where our gold comes from and what we can do to support responsible sourcing from artisanal...
Artisanal mining is an important source of income and employment, particularly for poor, rural populations. According to the World Bank,...
A group of 14 NGO’s have written an open letter to the Chief Executive of the London Metal Exchange about...