IMPACT is pleased to present our newly released 2020 Annual Report, Shifting Paradigms.

2020 was a pivotal year. Not only did the COVID-19 pandemic change the social, economic, and security situation for many of the partners and communities we work with—it forced us to change how we work and how we respond.

We’ve strengthened our focus on research and closely collaborated with our local partners to understand how the pandemic and restrictions have affected livelihoods, security, supply chains, illicit trade, and gender equality. By understanding the shifting landscape, we are able to adapt the support we provide to partners and communities to ensure its relevance for all stakeholders maximizing its impact.

The uncertainty felt around the global has been amplified in local communities. Our work to support them has continued during this time. We’re excited to share with you highlights from our work from the past year to transform natural resource management in areas where security and human rights are at risk.

A few milestones from 2020

We’re delighted to share all of this and more with you in our 2020 Annual Report. We invite you to read it here, and share with your network.