Welcome to the first installment of our In Focus series, where we explore the key issues shaping responsible mineral supply...
The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has long been at the center of global debates over conflict minerals. As the...
Nestled in Central Uganda’s Kassanda District, the Kayonza mine site is a bustling hub of activity. Managed by the Kitumbi-Kayonza...
Artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASM) plays a significant role in Côte d'Ivoire, contributing to livelihoods in many communities. The...
We are excited to launch our new strategic plan, Enabling Change 2024-2029. Our new strategic plan is guided by the...
The International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) and IMPACT are kicking off a new, four-year, European Union funded...
High taxes and arduous administrative burdens are pushing artisanal mining actors across Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) into informality and...
In 2023, IMPACT began working with stakeholders to discuss the taxes, fees, and administrative steps in the artisanal cobalt supply...
We’re pleased to share our newly released Annual Report for 2022-2023, Breaking Barriers to Formal Trade. Over past year, we’ve...
Making Financing Accessible to Artisanal Gold Mining Communities https://youtu.be/eTPY8JonQi8?si=bxsi7IOlprm-Xl9p There are an estimated 15 million artisanal gold miners globally. Yet,...
There is an urgent need for financial services in artisanal gold mining communities. Formal financing such as banks or microfinance...
Artisanal mining often takes place in areas where security and human rights are at risk. Women make up 30 percent...